WMV HDMicrosoft is trying to be the first at getting HD discs into peoples hands and homes… successful they have been. I was lucky to see WMV HD when it was being developed and was blown away then. The beauty of WMV HD is that it doesn’t need blue laser based technology to fit a two hour movie on a disc, WMV HD makes it possible to fit a full movie on a standard DVD. Microsoft and Sonic Solutions, known for their Sonic DVD line, have unveiled DVD
Producer – WMV HD Edition, a special version of Sonic’s professional authoring application that supports the production of DVD titles using Microsoft Windows Media Video High-Definition (WMV HD). Traditionally, Sonics UI’s are not as elegant as Apples iDVD, but if you want to be the first one on your block to author a HD DVD, then it’s as good as it gets. DVD Producer – WMV HD Edition is still in Beta, if you’d like to join the beta team, email: hdbeta@sonic.com. The only catch is that you really need HD material to take advantage of this authoring tool.
