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Look out iPod Mini… Sony has released what they call “the world’s smallest portable audio device” built with a 1.8-inch, 20GB hard drive. The silver NW-HD1 model weighs less than 4 ounces and can store up to 13,000 four-minute songs (that is if you record them at 48kbps… expect about 9000 at >128kbps). The internal rechargeable battery provides up to 30 hours of continuous playback and the unit also offers G-Sensor shock protection, which is an advantage over traditional hard drive based MP3 players (like the iPod) by safeguarding the player’s internal mechanisms. The NW-HD1 connects to a compatible computer via a USB 2.0 interface and comes bundled with
SonicStage version 2.1 software. Accessing music on the Network Walkman player is as easy with the use of Sony’s Jog Dial. The unit also features a seven-line backlit LCD display that makes selections easy to read in four different display modes… track numbers, bit rates, song titles, and artist names. The NW-HD1 Network Walkman digital music player will also come supplied with a USB charging cradle and carrying pouch. It will be available in
mid-August for less than $400.