It’s not the prettiest UPS on the market, but this UPS offers something others don’t in the same price range. The APC Back-UPS HS 500 not only provides the availability to protecting data lines. It also offers battery backup to home networking devices such as routers and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephones. It is also the only UPS solution with user controlled plug outlets and a management interface allowing the user to manage the unit remotely over a network or via the web — cool! What does this mean? Well, you could turn a device on and off via the web, great for rebooting a unresponsive device/server.
The Back-UPS HS 500 has four battery backup outlets offering up to 51 minutes runtime for critical applications. The device notifies the user through visual alarm LED indicators of the power supply’s condition and status. This includes notification of communication status and if the battery is in use; needs replacing; is low; missing or not properly connected.
As for pricing… get this! The Back-UPS HS 500 can be had for about $90 (street pricing).