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So by now you must have heard about the latest internet craze, invented by Alex Tew, a 21 year old English lad. It’s called The Million Dollar Homepage. The idea is quite simple… he wanted to make $1,000,000 by selling 1,000,000 pixels for $1 each. The main motivation for him doing this was to pay for his degree studies — yeah right. However, it seems to be working and has been in the press, both here in the US and in England and his goal of $1,000,000 is almost reached — he’s up to $967,600, $32,400 shy of a million. So, a friend of mine I had this idea (quite stupid actually)… why not keep the craze going? I personally think this is pipe dream, but who knows… I do like how the page looks when populated with all the colorful ads… reminds me of some modern art — no two are alike. We might see these pages someday on a wall in the MOMA. So here is the shameless plug for the new copycat site…
Point your browser to http://www.megapixelsforsale.com and buy yourself some pixels. Who knows, maybe Mega Pixels For Sale site might be the next Million Dollar Homepage and you’ll get crazy amounts of traffic to your site… or not.