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How To Fix Minor Curb Rash Scratches On Alloy Wheel (Diamond Turned)

Automobiles, DIY, Videos
June 17, 2016 No Comments

I’ve never curbed a wheel before! Well, until this time — my first time. I was actually letting my wheels get dirty because I’m going to do a review of a wheel cleaner for a next video (so that’s why my wheels are so dirty!). Here’s what happened — I was parking at an end spot (to avoid any door dings) and as I was pulling into the space, I maneuvered a bit to close to the curb and nicked my rim. It was one of those really short curbs that was the perfect height as where my rim meets tire. Just felt like a slight bump… bummer!

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Repair of The Energy Detective TED 5000 Whole House Power Monitor

DIY, Electronics, Videos
June 7, 2016 No Comments

My TED 5000 (more about the product here and here) whole house power monitor by The Energy Detective that I’ve been using for years stopped working properly. The date/time would no longer keep after a power outage causing the logging of the data to get all messed up. I thought I’d try to repair it — this is my first on camera repair video.

Come along with me and see if I am successful with my repair…

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