In the May 18, 2004 issue of PC Magazine. D-Link Xtreme absolutely blew away all competition in both performance and distance tests, more than doubling the throughput speeds of all competing 802.11g solutions, posting an incredible 73.8 Megabits per second data throughput. The testing criteria for both 802.11g and 802.11ag products were measured in many categories, where D-Link hammered the competition in performance, distance and value.
Below are test results excerpted from the PC Magazine review:

802.11g Performance @ 1 foot (throughput)*

D-Link 73.8Mbps
Apple N/A**
Belkin 25.3Mbps
Buffalo 28.5Mbps
Dell 21.1Mbps
Gateway 22.6Mbps
GigaFast 21.7Mbps
Hawking 21.7Mbps
IOGear 20.8Mbps
Linksys 33.5Mbps
Microsoft 21.2Mbps
Netgear 35.0Mbps
SMC 24.3Mbps
US Robotics 25.1Mbps
Zyxel 23.1Mbps