
So a few posts back I wrote about how I was getting into NIXIE’s (Numeric Indicator eXperimental-1). Well, I took the easy way out and bought a CHRONOTRONIX IN-18 NIXIE Clock. My friend Stephen Lodefink, or as I like to call him, “Lode Fizzle Televissle”, has designed and built his own NIXIE clock case (pictured above). He made the beautiful case out of Cocobolo rosewood, plywood, and aluminum. NIXIE tubes come in all different sizes and styles, but for this clock (still not named), he used the end lit Z560M tubes. I wish you guys could see this clock in person, the wood and craftsmanship is amazing!

More Lodefink NIXIE Clock Photos

Oh, and here is a photo of the clock I ended up buying… It uses the big IN-18 tubes. Enjoy.
