That’s right! Myro Control is giving away a Myro:Air AirPlay & UPnP Audiophile Streamer valued at $599! To find out more about Myro:Air check out this review as seen on Tekzilla Bites.
We’ve made it easy! Use the widget below to enter the giveaway. There are three mandatory fields and two optional — each one earns you better odds! Be sure to post a comment (the more creative the better) below on why you should be the one selected to win the Myro:Air.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
How many times can I enter?
The entry widget will always display the available number of entries available at the top right corner.
How will I know if I’m a winner?
If you are randomly selected as the winner we will contact you via email the day after the giveaway closes (July 4th). You can also keep an eye on the widget itself for an update, as the winners name will be displayed there.
I can’t see the widget! Help!
If you are on a desktop computer and don’t see the widget above, try the following: clear your cache, turn off pop-up blockers, turn off ad-blocking plugins, and/or try a different browser.
Why is the giveaway limited to US?
US and international giveaway/sweepstakes laws are highly variable and incredibly complex. If we give international users eligibility, we need to comply with the local laws in each and every country around the world. For most companies, this is impossible and risky and that’s why nearly ALL online giveaways you’ll come across are restricted to the United States. Please understand that this is not an act of discrimination and we truly appreciate the support of our international friends and viewers.