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DYMO RHINO 3000 Label Printer – My Favorite Tools – July 2009

Cool Tools, Favorite Tools
July 20, 2009 14 Comments


One of my pet peeves is having unlabeled wires and cables.  It drives me bonkers!  That’s why the Dymo Rhino 3000 is My Favorite Tool for July 2009.  This little tools lets you label all your wires and cables very simply.  If you are asking yourself what makes the Rhino better than say a Brother P-Touch? Well, it’s all in the adhesive and printing layout.

First, the adhesive on these labels is meant to be wrapped around cables and wires so you can be sure they won’t pop off.  The label actually feels like it “shrinks” onto the cable (they do have true heat-shrink versions too).

Second, this rugged labeler was designed to print labels for A/V and Networking cables and wires so the way it prints the text is meant for easy reading when wrapped around the cable. Here are even more reasons.

If you have an A/V rack or network closet you owe it to yourself and anyone that works on your stuff properly labeled and organized wires.   The Dymo Rhino 3000 is the tool that can make it happen… it will be the best $80 you’ve ever spent!

DYMO RHINO 3000 Label Printer 15605

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Felco Classic Pruner & Pruning Made Easy Book – My Favorite Tools – May 2009

Cool Tools, Favorite Tools
May 17, 2009 4 Comments

felco and pruning made easy

I’ve been really getting into gardening lately.  Not only is it stress releasing but it also requires some cool tools. I’ve found that my favorite gardening tool has been my Swiss Made Felco #F-2 Classic Manual Hand Pruners. These things can be completely taken apart and refurbished with parts so they will be the last pair of pruners you’ll ever purchase!   I’ve also relied on  “Pruning Made Easy: A Gardener’s Visual Guide To When and How to Prune Everything, from Flowers to Trees” as a reference guide and I highly recommended it.   This book covers everything I have in my garden from my fruit trees and grape vines to our indoor plants. These two items are My Favorite Tools for May 2009.

– Felco Classic Manual Hand Pruner #F-2

–  Pruning Made Easy: A gardener’s visual guide to when and how to prune everything, from flowers to trees (Storey’s Gardening Skills Illustrated)

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