AudioRevolution has a great article about why the DVD is done. I totally agree that DVD quality will no longer be sought after, heck, if I’m spending $5k on a display, I want the best possible source. I have a video processor, and sure it can clean up a 480i/480p DVD nicely, people usually can’t tell if I’m running HD or a standard DVD. But at the end of the day, the DVD of six short years, won’t be around much longer if it can’t match the quality of our new displays.

The reason is that DVD, while a powerful format and currently the king of the AV world, cannot (easily) reproduce a movie in HDTV. With DTVs selling at 850,000 sets per month according to a CEA study from April 2004, the demand for high quality content in HDTV from early adopters and new Gen X and Gen Y consumers will get vastly stronger in the next year or two.

Read the complete article…

[ via AudioRevolution ]
