Update: The folks at Energy are working on an SDK! So great news for us wanting to write native applications to interface with the TED!
Back in August I blogged about the TED 1000 and how it includes a serial port which can be hooked up to a PC. Well, the folks over at The Energy Detective finally released the software. During my conversations with them, it was my understanding that they were going to release the serial protocol for the unit as well. Instead, they just released the software that logs the information the TED is monitoring (it does log to HTML or Excel files so one could parse those). Not exactly what I expected but acceptable. Since my units firmware is v6.xx, I will need to upgrade before I can buy the monitoring software for $44.95 — which was also unexpected… I thought my unit would work when the software was released, since I bought it for this purpose. Oh, well.
For those interested the TED Footprints software does the following:
– Dashboard view of real-time usage, displaying all data stored within TED on your PC
– View data in kW, Dollar, or in CO2 format at the push of a button
– Logs Time of Use in kWh, Dollars and Voltage
– Graphs/charts all logged data in kWh, Dollars, or Voltage
– Graphs/charts are printable
– Calendar for viewing is flexible: view day, week, month, year.
– Data is logged in background
– Data is logged in Excel format, as well as .htm format for further user analysis
– Load-Profile major appliances, such as Water Heater, HVAC system, or other heavy loads. Records time-of-use, run-time and cost-to-run specified loads.