RTI unveiled the the new RK3 In-Wall Touchpanel at CEDIA. It’s like the previously announced K4 color LCD touchpanel, but instead of a 6.4″ screen, the K3 features a smaller 3.5″ screen. They are both designed to be used where flush-mounted installations are desired. They provide a self-contained control system for controlling audio/video components, lights, or other electronic systems in the home. The K4 panel can also display composite video (with optional video input card), motion JPEG, and web pages – either full screen or in an adjustable window — great for network security cameras.
Both have the ability to control devices via IR and Ethernet (IP) connectivity. The K4 runs off of a 400MHz 32-bit MCU and offers 32MB of Flash memory, stereo speakers, microphone, and an infrared receiver. The K3 is powered by a 200MHz, 32-bit Xscale processor and gives you the right amount of features needed to control your devices (even your pool). The K3 will retail for $799 and its bigger brother will run $2499 (MSRP).