I’ve never curbed a wheel before! Well, until this time — my first time. I was actually letting my wheels get dirty because I’m going to do a review of a wheel cleaner for a next video (so that’s why my wheels are so dirty!). Here’s what happened — I was parking at an end spot (to avoid any door dings) and as I was pulling into the space, I maneuvered a bit to close to the curb and nicked my rim. It was one of those really short curbs that was the perfect height as where my rim meets tire. Just felt like a slight bump… bummer!

Result, I got a minor curb rash. Because the wheel is “diamond turned” I knew I could never make it 100%. I just wanted it to be smooth so the brake dust doesn’t fill in the dings and make it less noticeable. In this video, I attempted to fix it the best I could. This one will be swapped with the spare tire rim but let me know what you think!

Products used:
1000 grit sand paper, wet sanded
Automotive Touchup Clear Coat
Meguiar’s M105 Mirror Glaze Ultra-Cut Compound
Meguiar’s M205 Mirror Glaze Ultra Finishing Polish

!!Spoiler Alert!! — while the repair made it less noticeable — I am going to replace the wheel…

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